  If all of this sounds easy, it shouldn’t.  

Many readers who have worked on a group project will agree, we suspect, that it is hard to apportion work evenly while moving the project along in a timely fashion. People work and write at different paces and with different styles; meanwhile, everyone is already too busy. At the aforementioned July meeting—the one that had been scheduled for a week, but was pared down to two afternoons—members of the group cautiously began to voice frustrations. Peter felt overwhelmed with other university responsibilities, among them the maintenance and support of EUI. Nancy, meanwhile, reported ambivalence about her role as the organizer of the report effort, the one who prodded people to keep their promises and sketched out the collaborative writing process. To Nancy, it seemed that if she didn’t do this work nobody else would, but she also wondered if she wielded too heavy a hand. The group, meanwhile, believes that this chapter should reveal Nancy’s role, for better or for worse, so as to reveal the difficulty of expediting a group project that could otherwise easily languish. (Chapter 3)

  A draft of the book in progress (PDF, 84 kb)  
Read the Report