Archives: EUI In Depth

EUI projects begin in the classroom but can also take on lives of their own. Students have continued their research in independent studies, developed them into senior honors theses and MA and Ph.D. theses, and expanded their work through partner research with University units. Moreover, EUI students and affiliates have worked on larger collaborative research ventures, such as the Ethnography of the Brown v. Board of Education Jubilee Commemoration.

Maureen Kattah, A “Safe Space” All Alone: The Transforming Essence of a Latina/o Cultural House

Teresa Ramos, University Networks That Shape Narratives, Specifically Those Relating to Brown vs. The Board of Education

Daniel Williams, Is the race and ethnic division of students at the
University of Illinois' Illini Union, specifically African Americans, a form of self segregation or apart of an unspoken tradition?

Sandra Weissinger, What does it mean to be part of UIUC? The stories of Transfer Students from Parkland Community College

Ryan Files, What Does La Casa Cultural Latina Mean to Its Active Student Population?

Gail Kirk, Integration and UIUC Transfer Student Programming:
Analysis of Staff and Transfer Cluster Resident View

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